Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The End

Well, this is embarrassing.

I didn't exactly blog yesterday. It slipped my mind. This makes BEDA a certified failure. But hey, it was fun! :)

Melody and I are starting a collaborative blog, and I'm hoping to continue this one as well, so there will definitely be more! No more of this blogging every day thing - I don't like spewing random thoughts and stories without taking the time to edit them. I also don't like crunching the posts down into manageable daily sizes - by the time I write, it's usually close to midnight, so there's very little time to compose anything elegant or interesting.

Solution: Quit procrastinating.

I've nearly finished packing, and although my room is a horrible mess, I'll be leaving first thing in the morning. I'm trying not to overthink this moving thing - - if I do, I'll get upset again.

Bad idea of the day:
Listening to "Transatlanticism" while trying NOT to be depressed.

Melody and I have made a tradition of marathoning our favorite shows the night before I leave. Last winter, we watched Series 4 of Doctor Who in about 36 hours, up until the moment I had to leave for the airport. Today we challenged ourselves to finish Death Note at last, and we succeeded! That theme song sure gets annoying...

Obnoxious music award:
Japanese screamo.

Just... don't.