Monday, August 16, 2010


Tech rehearsals are kind of universally terrible. Lay aside the fact that we're underrehearsed and still making script edits, and tech rehearsal would still be terrible. Add in the fact that we're performing in an auto shop with no air conditioning or technical system, one of our actors has seriously injured her ankle, and there are three other shows running in this town the same weekend, and we're pretty much set for a gigantic fucking shitshow.

Hello, Christmas lights as a lighting system!
Hello, laptop speakers as a sound system!

I'm trying to have the faith that the show ultimately be ok, but for now there's so much to do that I can't concentrate on much of anything past the next five days. I've actually been quite zen about the whole thing (despite appearances) and would love to speak more on that...

I think I often say I will talk about something and then never do.

Things I say I'll talk about:
Spiritual breakdown
Reuniting with high school friends.
The Show

There you have it, a promise.

Thanks to all of the great birthday wishes, everyone! Despite the tech rehearsal part, I had a really lovely day and saw a lot of great people. It makes me feel bad that I don't go nuts with love and fun on a regular basis, because life really is shinier when it's your birthday :)

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